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2025 Grad Trip Pricing:

Dobson High School:

Base Price: $630

---- Optional Paid in Full $610 by 12/16


Payment options:

---- Credit Card

---- Cash or Cashiers Check to "Odin Student Travel"

---- Cash or cashiers check payments available: 

  • In School Contact: Mrs. Gardner - Room: N154

  • Or Mailed To :

    • ​Odin Student Travel, PO Box 41477, Mesa, AZ 85274

Payment Schedule:

  • 10/31 - $250 initial deposit due (payment 1 of 4)

  • 11/30 - $180 due (payment 2 of 4)

  • 12/16 - Last day to take advantage or (optional) "paid in full" $20 discount

  • 1/31 - $100 due (payment 3 of 4)

  • 2/28 - $100 due (payment 4 of 4)​

​*Initial deposit is non-refundable, but IS transferable up to 10 days prior to event. 

**Transfers must be identified and coordinated by grads.  Names of both students, those transferring funds and those accepting the transferred funds, must be submitted in writing with both students signatures confirming transaction and transfer of GradTrip reservation.

***Partial credit card payments other than designated amounts must be paid either in-person or via telephone by contacting Odin Student Travel at 480 269-3533. 


Cortez High School:

Base Price: $630

---- Optional Paid in Full $610 by 12/16


Payment options:

----  Credit Card

----  Cash or Cashiers Check to "Odin Student Travel"

----  Cash  or Cashiers Check payments available:

  • In School Contact: Mr. Starchman - Room 413

  •  only if mailed to

    • Odin Student Travel, PO Box: 41477, Mesa, AZ 85274

​Payment Schedule:

  • 10/31 - $250 deposit due 

  • 11/30 - $180 due (payment 2 of 4)

  • 12/16 - Last day to take advantage of (optional) "paid in full" $20 discount

  • 1/31 - $100 due (payment 3 of 4)

  • 2/28 - $100 due (payment 4 of 4) 

*Initial deposit is non-refundable, but IS transferable up to 10 days prior to the event.

**Transfers must be identified and coordinated by grads.  Names of both students, those transferring funds and those accepting funds, must be submitted in writing with both students signatures confirming transaction and transfer of GradNite reservation.

***Partial credit card payments other than designated amounts must be paid either in-person or via telephone by contacting Odin Student Travel at 480 269-3533.



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